After Care

Instructions following Your Childs treatment

Returning Home: An adult should drive the child home, we also suggest that a second companion be present and monitor the child on the ride home. The second companion must make sure that the child is secure in a seatbelt and that the child does not fall asleep with his/her head hung down, this may depress the airways of the child and cause the child to have trouble breathing. Please do not leave your child UNATTENDED.

Activities the Day of Treatment: For the day of treatment the child may not return to school and/or daycare. We advise that the child go home after the treatment and rest, there should be 24 hour supervision of the child. Please pat them or arouse them every 20 minutes or so and keep their head upright. The child may be allowed back in school and/or daycare the following day.

Eating after Treatment: Your child may experience nausea following treatment. Try to limit the amount of food and drinks your child intakes following surgery. The first thing we suggest your child drink is water, you may also give your child Gatorade, fruit juice and various other light liquids. Your child should stay on a soft food diet for the rest of the day. You may feed your child foods like soup, jell-o, pudding, macaroni and cheese, etc.

Temperature: Your child’s temperature may rise to 101 degrees for the first 24 hours following treatment. Hydrating the patient with liquids after treatment is very important. Gatorade and/or Pedialyte or any liquid that replaces electrolytes will help. If temperature exceeds 101 degrees please contact our office or your child’s pediatrician.

Pain Control: If narcotics were given during treatment, please wait 6 hours to dispense Motrin or Advil to the patient. Follow instructions as prescribed on the bottle. If any narcotics were NOT given during the treatment, Motrin OR Advil can be dispensed every 4 to 6 hours. Try to keep the patient comfortable with popsicles, ice cream or anything cold to help control pain or the sensitivity.

Tooth Brushing: It is very important that you help your child brush and floss their teeth starting the follow day after treatment and every day to prevent any infection or dental problems. It is normal that your child’s gums may bleed and become inflamed the day or treatment and the following days due to the crowns. Good oral hygiene is the only way to help heal the gums and maintain a healthy mouth. No sticky, chewy foods and/or candies once the dental work is accomplished. IE: tootsie rolls, lollipops, gum, skittles.

Emergencies: If you notice any problems occurring with your child’s teeth for example a loose crown or filling, please call our office. In case of any emergency following the treatment please call 911 or take your child to the hospital.

Emergency Symptoms to Look Out For:

  • Vomiting for more than 4 hours
  • Fever for more than 24 hours
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Color change in child

North San Antonio

20306 Encino Ledge #106
San Antonio, TX 78259
(210) 495-6800